Comparison with other cleaning methods

Increasing productivity and economy, stricter conditions for environmental protection and, last but not least, the safety of employees during the cleaning and maintenance of technological equipment, today require the deployment of more modern technologies.

Ecological cleaning with dry ice ideally meets these requirements and becomes a significant alternative to the original cleaning procedures – sandblasting, water cleaning, and chemical cleaning. When blasting machine parts with dry ice, significant time savings occur, as there is no need for their disassembly and subsequent reassembly.

Cleaning using toxic solvents

Solvents require separate disposal and often subsequent treatment. Halogenated hydrocarbons, as well as other cleaning additives, have adverse effects on health and the environment. Dry ice is non-toxic.

The use of toxic solvents is often restricted by law! There are no legal restrictions on the use of dry ice. The method is ecological and non-abrasive.

Abrasive blasting, sandblasting

The use of sandblasting or abrasive elements (glass or plastic granules) damages the surface of cleaned parts and reduces their service life. Dry ice pellets are non-abrasive and extremely gentle on the cleaned surface.

Unremoved residues of the blasting medium can significantly limit the production process. Dry ice pellets evaporate immediately during cleaning, so there is no risk of this. Residues after blasting require separate disposal and often financially demanding treatment. When cleaning with dry ice, no secondary waste is created – the dry ice sublimates immediately.

High-pressure water cleaning

High-pressure water cleaning damages the surface of the cleaned materials. Dry ice pellets have non-abrasive properties and do not damage the cleaned surface. Water cleaning is not suitable for cleaning electrical systems.

Dry ice is non-conductive, so it is also suitable for cleaning electrical systems and equipment. Water and residues released during cleaning must be disposed of separately. No secondary waste is produced when cleaning with dry ice. Cleaned areas and equipment require a longer time for thorough drying. Dry ice cleaning is a dry process, which significantly reduces downtime.